Blue Weed Strains

Overview We usually associate cannabis or weed with the color green since they are mostly just plants with leaves. But for someone who has been using cannabis for quite some time and has become familiar with various strains, you can say that cannabis can appear in pretty and bold colors that can catch your attention. … Read more

Colorado Weed Strains

Overview It is no secret that Colorado’s cannabis community has been widely growing since the wonder plant’s legalization. There might be variations in every region or state when it comes to the availability of the strain. Some cannabis strains can be straightforward to find in California, but they might be challenging to get on the … Read more

How To Smoke THC Oil

Introduction As more countries and states start to make marijuana and cannabis legal, more people, especially teens and young adults, are becoming more curious about what’s available to them and how they can use the products. A lot of people are trying out vaping these days; they usually use CBD or THC oil. Keep in … Read more

How to Identify Weed Strains

Introduction Ever smoked a bud so good, but you just couldn’t figure out the strain it is? This is a major stoner problem; the burning desire to find that particular herb almost doesn’t go away until you’ve found it. With over 700 strains of cannabis, the process of identifying various strains becomes a tricky process. … Read more

Landrace Indica Strains

Introduction For centuries, people have consumed cannabis for both recreation and medicinal use. The green plant can be traced back to 2900 BC, our ancestors may not have sat around getting stoned, but they definitely used this plant in other ways. The cannabis that was available back then is way different than the ones you … Read more

Psychedelic Weed Strains

Introduction There are over 700 strains of marijuana, each producing very different effects. Some marijuana strains are very potent with high THC levels that leave the user in a trippy or hallucinogenic state, while others produce less intimidating effects. The versatility of this herb is why marijuana users depend on it for various reasons. Some … Read more

How Does A Gravity Bong Work?

Introduction Have you ever smoked a gravity bong, or are you thinking about it? The other term for a gravity bong is a geeb. There are so many types of bongs that the idea of this one can be confusing as you have glass bongs, acrylic bongs, silicone bongs, and those with percolators and so … Read more

Best Homemade Fertilizer For Garden

INTRODUCTION In your garden, it might sadden you to see your plants falling off or changing color. And this might be as a result of insufficient or inadequate nutrients. Plants are similar to humans. Since humans also need some particular nutrients and essential minerals to preserve their lives and stay healthy; similarly plants need some … Read more

How To Determine THC Content In Edibles

Introduction Many marijuana users enjoy a delicious bite of cannabis-infused edibles, so much so that they’d rather make these THC snacks in their kitchen. The only problem with preparing homemade edibles is how difficult it is to measure the exact dosage needed. You are either making a snack that’s way too strong, or you don’t … Read more