What is the Right Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, and Pressing Time to Make Rosin?


The discovery of rosin has been a very life-changing event for every cannabis user, and since then, many people have already been loving rosin. Once you get to know and realize how beneficial and excellent rosin can be, you now start thinking about the methods and ways so that you can make your own. Well, you have come to the right place since this article will be mainly a guide on the right pressure, temperature, humidity, and pressing time that you will need to make good quality rosin.

Before we proceed to the basics of getting your rosin making right, we might as well review the basics of what rosin is. Rosin is extracted from hash or flowers from cannabis through exposure to high temperature and enough pressure. The essential compounds, such as cannabinoids and terpenes, are being extracted safely, producing thick rosin through this method. Being a solventless extraction technique, rosin being highly appreciated by many because apart from its safety, rosins are also very potent and full of flavor and aroma.

If you are wondering if you can be useful when making your own rosin, the answer is yes, you definitely can! You just need to process your rosin with the right amount of factors and elements while using the proper materials as well, and we are here to help.

Get the pressure right

When it comes to rosin pressing, more pressure is certainly not always better. In the past, it was a common misconception that you would need an extensive and industrial rosin process that will deliver high levels of psi to achieve high-quality rosin. However, a massive rosin press might give you the capacity to produce more rosin during each press, but utilizing a press for its high psi is not necessary to obtain good rosin.

As the temperature and pressing time, monitoring and applying the correct amount of pressure can be sensitive and tricky. When the pressure is very low, it will not be enough to extract the oils and compound. If the pressure is too high, you will experience a “blow out” or a phenomenon where the plant material leaches to concentrate, and you would not want that. The ideal pressure for flower rosin comes at a range of 550 psi to 1500 psi, with its maximum quality occurs at the lower range.

Generally, the ideal psi for rosin pressing ranges from 300 to 1000. More pressure will be required for flowers or fresher raw materials, and less for the dry sift or kief and other similar products. To calculate the pressure you should be applying, what you need to do is take out the total amount of force exerted by your press and divide it by your rosin filter bag’s total square inch footprint. But if you have already found the right level of psi and won’t have to calculate anymore, you can just proceed with what you are doing and, by all means, keep it going!

Work with the right temperature and pressing time.

The quality of your rosin will be dependent on temperature and time. Working with the right temperature and pressing time are both critical factors in obtaining good quality rosin. These critical factors are the most discussed and often debated since people can have a unique technique of their own. Some people who practice rosin pressing prefer to go slow with the use of lower temperatures, while others like doing it quickly with very high heat. Others work just in between, not too fast and not too slow.

However, the real secret to improving your rosin’s quality is through being able to understand how temperature and pressing time can affect the quality and the yield of your rosin. The amount of heat and pressure you will be using will determine your pressing time’s speed. Typically, the pressing methods are often categorized as the cold press method and hot press method.

The cold press method presses at a temperature of 160 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit with a pressing time of 1 to 5 minutes. This method can produce rosin with high terpene preservation plus a very thick consistency. The cold press method, however, produces lower yields. On the other hand, the hot press method is done at a temperature of 210 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit and pressed for 45 seconds to 3 minutes only. The hot press method can produce an oily or shattered consistency with excellent terpene preservation and higher yield.

These are only guidelines, and you can indeed work with the temperature and pressing time that will work best for you. Guaranteed that you are doing everything right, you will surely yield some good quality rosin.

Relative humidity makes a difference.

Humidity can be a problem for producing rosin, especially if not monitored and maintained in the right way. Low yields and low-quality rosin can result from raw materials that are too dry since they can soak up the rosin that you have been trying to extract. Once the heat is applied, the oils tend to get reabsorbed instead of flowing into your collection pad because your material is too dry.

So what exactly is the right humidity for you to achieve good quality rosin? We are referring not only to the relative humidity but also to the moisture content of your plants. The recommended relative humidity content of your plant material should be between 55% to 62%. To determine the relative humidity, you can simply use an analog hygrometer or humidor. If you aim for the best results, you can invest in a digital hygrometer.

Other significant factors

Micron bags

When you extract rosin from plant materials, it is vital that you make use of filter bags. These bags are responsible for preventing plant material debris from going into and mix with your rosin. It would be best if you always chose the right micron bag that you will be comfortable using and serve its purpose. You can use the 90-micron bags or the 120- to 160-micron bags, whichever will work for you according to your preference.

Cooling down

Cooldown is the final step in your rosin-making process, and this is required for you to achieve a high-quality and pure rosin. You can do this by stabilizing your rosin in cold temperatures by placing them in the freezer for a few seconds. This will increase your rosin’s life span and reduce its volatility when coming in contact with air.

Technological Advancements in Rosin Presses

Recent advancements in rosin press technology have led to more precise control over temperature and pressure, making it easier to achieve consistent results. Some modern presses now come with digital interfaces, allowing users to set exact parameters and even save profiles for different types of materials.

Importance of Starting Material

The quality of the starting material (cannabis flower, hash, etc.) plays a crucial role in the final product. There’s an increasing emphasis on using high-quality, organically grown cannabis to produce premium rosin with better flavor and potency.

Terpene Preservation Techniques

As the cannabis industry evolves, there’s a growing interest in preserving terpenes during the rosin extraction process. Techniques such as lower temperature pressing and shorter press times are being refined to maximize terpene retention, enhancing the flavor and aroma of the final product.

Sustainability in Rosin Production

There’s a trend towards more sustainable practices in cannabis extraction, including rosin production. This includes using environmentally friendly materials for rosin bags and presses, and minimizing waste during the extraction process.

Emerging Research on Rosin Components

Ongoing research is providing deeper insights into the different cannabinoids and terpenes present in rosin, and how they interact to produce various effects. This research is helping producers and consumers understand and tailor their rosin for specific therapeutic or recreational outcomes..

Rosin in Medical Applications

Rosin is gaining attention in medical cannabis circles due to its purity and potency. Since it’s a solventless extraction method, it’s considered a safer and healthier option for medical patients who are concerned about residual solvents in other cannabis concentrates.

Final thoughts

When extracted from high-quality materials and with the correct processes and methods, Rosin will surely turn out to be the best it can be. If you enjoy using rosin, it is also a great idea that you know how to produce it. So, if you are one of those people, we hope that this post has dramatically helped you gain knowledge and equip you with information that you can use on your next rosin-extraction project.