Studies that are Getting Anxiety Sufferers Excited About CBD


Anxiety is an essential adaptive response for every human’s ability to manage inconveniences and threats to our survival. However, when anxiety becomes uncontrolled and excessive, it can become a problem to our daily functions and tasks. When feelings of anxiety can become overwhelming and unmanageable, it may develop into a disorder. Anxiety disorder can be harmful and detrimental to a person’s daily life. People who are anxiety sufferers will have a poor sense of well-being and are more likely to experience breakdowns, low quality of life, and an increased risk of suicide or self-harm. Anxiety disorders can genuinely affect people and those around them negatively. However, many groundbreaking studies have been done to show how promising CBD can be when it comes to assisting in the treatment of people suffering from anxiety and all other related disorders.

Facts about Anxiety

Anxiety, as mentioned above, is a natural adaptive response to stressful situations and may be manifested in constant, intense, and too much worry about typical situations and will eventually lead to symptoms such as increased heart rate, hyperventilation, stomachache, excessive sweating, and nausea. Anxiety can develop to become a disorder if the attacks tend to be chronic, unexplainable or if the person is overly anxious for no reason at all.

Anxiety disorders are considered to be the most common mental illness in the United States; however, they are easily managed and are highly treatable. Sadly, only 36.9% of those diagnosed with suffering from anxiety are open to having and receiving treatment. Anxiety disorders may develop because of certain complicated risk factors such as brain chemistry, genetics, attitude, personality, and other external factors such as problems, difficulties, or events in life. It is also common for those suffering from anxiety to also experience depression or the other way around.

Aside from the possibility of experiencing depression, anxiety disorders also come in many varieties, but the most common one is GAD or generalized anxiety disorder. GAD is often described and identified as an unexplainable and too much worry about many things such as work, health, wealth, family, and other general situations or things. We do understand that it is normal to worry about the things that do have an impact on our daily lives; however, if you are a person who is diagnosed with GAD, it can really be different. People living with GAD or other anxiety disorders will find that thinking or worrying about everyday things can be uncontrollable or unmanageable. It reaches the point where it will significantly affect their daily tasks and life in an extremely negative way.

Other than GAD, there are also other forms of anxiety, including social anxiety disorder, phobia or unexplainable fear, and panic disorder. Indeed, there are the same symptoms when it comes to the different anxiety disorders, but each of them may manifest in a very inconsistent way. Some may start as extremely uncomfortable or a defined feeling of uneasiness and eventually become a full-blown panic or anxiety attack that can last for a couple of hours until medicine or treatment is being administered, or intervention has been done.

Whatever type of anxiety you or a loved one is diagnosed with, you must have a concrete understanding of what intervention and treatment options are available for you. It is common knowledge that anti-anxiety medication and clinical therapy are commonly utilized to treat anxiety disorders. We are pleased to discuss that studies and scientific evidence have proven that CBD can be an effective and potent treatment for the efficient management of anxiety disorders.

What is CBD?

CBD is indeed a hot topic when it comes to recent journals and current research. This compound is as popular as the THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also found in cannabis plants. Both CBD and THC are necessary cannabinoids that bind to specific receptors in the brain or the endocannabinoid system.

THC is known for the “high” that it can offer its consumers; however, CBD cannot produce its effect. Instead, CBD is so much known for the numerous health benefits and therapeutic effects that it can offer. CBD has been proven to possess very potent pharmacological effects with beneficial anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. The compound has also been proven to reduce seizures in patients who have had episodes of seizures due to an underlying condition.

When it comes to anxiety, CBD also has some promising effects. CBD is known to interact with the CB1 receptor or the cannabinoid type 1 receptor, the serotonin receptor, and other significant receptors of the human brain responsible for the regulation of fear and anxiety-induced response and behavior. Preclinical and clinical evidence has also established that CBD is an effective treatment for numerous types of anxiety disorders. CBD can also be used alone or as a complementary therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders and PTSD.

CBD Treatment and How It Works

The use of CBD to enjoy its wide range of health benefits is commonly practiced nowadays and has been receiving a fair amount of positive feedback ever since. Treatment with CBD is a therapeutic heath and overall wellness regimen that utilizes CBD in its different forms to treat a variety of issues, concerns, symptoms, and conditions that will eventually benefit many people.

Numerous studies and journals have supported the growing evidence of how CBD can be extremely helpful and beneficial for patients with Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, and other physical and mental disorders. CBD can be taken in various convenient ways that can range from oral consumption of tinctures, oils, and gummies. They can also be applied externally through topical creams, lotions, and ointments. Each person is unique, so the best consumption method, route administration, and dosage may vary. It is imperative that you will have it discussed with your physician and healthcare provider.

An outstanding characteristic that you could enjoy with CBD is that CBD treatment will offer you a wide range of benefits of cannabis minus the high that is often associated with THC. There is indeed a growing count of researches and studies that features the efficacy of CBD when it comes to the treatment of anxiety. When it comes to GAD, cannabidiol has been proven to lower behavioral signs of anxiety and improve their physiological symptoms such as increased heart rate and excessive sweating. CBD can also significantly help people with other forms of anxiety while effectively relieve anxiety-induced insomnia and lack of appetite. Recent studies are also made for CBD’s therapeutic effects on other neurological and psychiatric disorders. Although more research still needs to be done, there have been proofs and recommendations that CBD can really help people who are suffering from anxiety and significantly improve their quality of life in general through CBD. New studies are emerging at an impressive rate that broadly highlights and features the magnificent and promising effects that can be beneficial, not only to people who suffer from anxiety disorders but the general public.

Is CBD For You?

CBD has long been advertised as a completely healthy therapeutic compound with tons of excellent benefits with little to no side effects at all. However, doctors, researchers, and other experts strongly recommend that CBD use for treatment should always be supervised and regulated.

If you are diagnosed with anxiety, you must consult your physician or healthcare provider before making a move to start on the CBD treatment path. You have to make sure that your new CBD regimen will not cause any problems or conflict with your existing medications and current treatments or therapies if there are any.

Being new to the CBD lifestyle might be challenging, and if it is already too much for you to handle, you can always consult your doctor. You also have to make sure that you are only using high-quality CBD free from contaminants; that is why you should always purchase from reputable brands and trusted companies. Also, look for dispensaries and sellers who are able to provide CBD laboratory results from third-party laboratories; this will help you ensure that you are getting only the finest and best CBD products in your place. Remember that the legality of CBD will vary from one place to another, be sure to know the laws from where you’re at to avoid problems in the future.


When it comes to health benefits and incredible therapeutic effects, CBD contains many of them, and that is for sure. CBD has been proven to relieve pain and has anti-inflammatory properties, and it even can provide maximum relaxation without the added “high” or feeling of intoxication.

Today, there is an increasing number of studies and research to present evidence on the capability of CBD when it comes to relieving the most common mental health problem, which is an anxiety disorder. If you are diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it is essential to consult your doctor before starting the CBD treatment regimen, more so if you already have existing medications and treatments. Always find the product that will work best for you, and look for the CBD products that are free from impurities and those that are proven to be high-quality and top tier.

Understanding the Impact of CBD on Anxiety: Research and Practical Considerations

Research Insights

  1. Clinical Trials and Studies:
    • A clinical trial published in Communications Medicine conducted an open-label trial on a high-cannabidiol (CBD) product for anxiety. The study involved patients receiving a CBD solution for four weeks, with assessments including anxiety scales such as the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).
    • A review of various studies on CBD’s role in managing anxiety highlighted randomized controlled trials and case studies. These focused on generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and the anxiety component of posttraumatic stress syndrome. Doses of CBD varied from 6 mg to 400 mg per dose, showing improved clinical outcomes with minimal side effects.
    • Research supports the use of CBD in treating social anxiety, indicating its potential as a therapeutic option.

Practical Considerations

  1. Dosage and Quality:
    • Starting with lower doses of CBD and gradually increasing is recommended to assess individual body response. High-quality CBD products, preferably with third-party testing, are advised for better results.
  2. Form and Delivery Method:
    • CBD is available in various forms like oils, capsules, edibles, and creams. The choice depends on individual preferences and specific symptoms. Sublingual oils may offer immediate impact, while capsules are suitable for regular use.
  3. Monitoring and Healthcare Consultation:
    • Regular monitoring of CBD effects on symptoms is crucial. Keeping a journal to document dosage and symptom changes can be helpful. Consulting healthcare providers before starting CBD, especially for those under medication or therapy, is essential.
  4. Integrating with Other Therapies:
    • CBD should be considered as part of a holistic approach, potentially including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based treatments for anxiety and OCD.

Legal Aspects

The legal status of CBD varies by region and is often tied to its THC content and the source of the CBD (hemp vs. cannabis). In many places, CBD derived from hemp with low THC levels is legal, but it’s important to be aware of local laws and regulations.