How Do You Make Thc Oil


Because more states are legalizing the use of marijuana, there has been an increase in the interest that different people know. The curiosity to know about cannabis and products from them could get understood due to this legalization. In this article, we look at how you can make THC oil from scratch.

What is THC?

THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is a component of cannabis and is its main psychoactive constituent. There are different medical benefits that you can get from using THC, and this will depend on the dosage and the purpose of taking it.

THC has gotten shown to help with nausea, and it enables you to deal with it and helps with anxiety as it gets you to relax. In addition to this, it also allows you to fight insomnia if you suffer from it as it makes you fall asleep, and in the case where you have a low appetite, it also helps.

However, because it has its benefits, it doesn’t invalidate that there are also side effects that you could suffer. The side effects you could get include a dry mouth, red eyes, temporary memory loss, and an increase in your heart rate.

What is THC Oil?

Although many people use cannabis to get THC due to its properties, the famous route most often followed is to have the plant smoked. However, there are new ways to extract valuable THC from cannabis, giving you a new sense of euphoria or high.

Usually, when they get extracted from the cannabis plants, it gets packaged or suspended like they do with the Hemp oil. There are a couple of ways to pull your THC oil from cannabis, and we look at them below.

How to Extract THC from Cannabis

One of the easiest ways that the THC oil gets extracted is direct, commonly used by various people. To do this, you first need to crush the cannabis; this is to help increase the surface area, which will come in handy when you want to cook it. Secondly, you should fry the ground cannabis quickly in hot fat. After doing this, you should remove any solid particle of the cannabis that might be in it and leave just the sautéed ground part and fat.

The second way that you can make your THC oil is by using the water extraction method. What this involves is having you simmer the cannabis in oil or butter mixed with water. The purpose of the water inclusion is to let you have your cannabis cooked for a much more extended period without the fear of having it burn. Breaking down the process of how this works, you need to have the cannabis put in a cooking pot; after you have done this, you should cover it with water and then add the butter or oil that you wish to include on it. The heat required of it is negligible, so the temperature should be low to avoid any complications. When the mixture begins to bubble by its side, you should do before it comes into a full boil to reduce the heat further and insert a heat distributor directly between the burner and the pot you use. The purpose of this heat distributor is to absorb and spread the heat, so everything gets touched. When you have boiled this for twelve hours and more, you should do next to have It passed through a filter; the reason for this is to separate the liquid from the cannabis plant material. The only downside here is that some amount of the butter or oil gets trapped in it.

Using THC Oil

There are different ways you can use the THC oil that you make. Either you use it to bake, apply it in your toast, or cook with it.

Effects of THC Oil

Unlike when you smoke the cannabis plant and get an instant effect, it doesn’t work with THC oil. When you take in the oil, it takes about thirty to sometimes sixty minutes before you begin to notice any effects. The reason for this is because your body needs time to metabolize the THC intake in your system.

However, due to the time it takes to show any effect, we strongly advise that you take it in moderation because you don’t want a situation where you have an overdose.

Additional significant trends and details related to THC oil making:

  1. Alcohol Extraction: Ethanol extraction is efficient for processing large batches and can be done under various temperature conditions. Room temperature ethanol extraction is often preferred for its scalability and ease of post-processing.
  2. Hydrocarbon Extraction: Utilizing butane or propane, this method extracts a wider variety of terpenes than alcohol extraction, beneficial for products like vape oils where flavor and aroma are important. However, the method is less scalable due to the volatile nature of the solvents.
  3. Supercritical CO2 Extraction: A popular method in the industry, it uses specialized equipment to create a supercritical fluid from CO2, efficiently extracting plant waxes and oils. This method is tunable, allowing for creativity in the extraction process, though it requires a high initial investment.
  4. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction: Enhances the efficacy of alcohol extraction by using sound energy to create microbubbles in the solvent, improving the extraction efficiency and reducing the need for extensive post-processing.
  5. Hydrodynamic Extraction: A recent method that combines temperature, pressure, and ultrasonication, producing a potent and bioavailable cannabis extract that preserves many of the plant’s aromatic compounds.
  6. Natural Extraction via Bees: An avant-garde method where bees fed on cannabinoids produce honey infused with cannabinoids. This method has shown promise in producing honey with medical benefits.


THC oil is commonly used by those who would rather not have cannabis material smoked because of various reasons known to them. Due to this reason having to make THC oil is one of the choices they get left with, and that is what we looked at in the article, including the effects to expect from using it.

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