What to do with Cannabis Trim: 11 Tricks to Convert Waste into Money


With the legalization of marijuana in more states, the legal cultivation of marijuana has also been gradually expanding. There are tons of wonderful things growing your own cannabis can bring; however, the process and maintenance you need to go through can also be plentiful. One of the things you need to do to ensure that your cannabis plants are well-maintained and thrive is bud trimming. If you are growing quite a bunch of cannabis plants, the trims that you gather post-harvest will surely be a handful.

After a long day of trimming your buds and harvesting, you may find yourself looking at a bunch of trims that you initially thought of as waste. But let me tell you, those are byproducts that you can make use of and turn these trimmings into something valuable. You can turn your trimmings into profit, or you can process them for self-consumption; either way, you’ll be able to make something useful out of those that you thought of as waste already.

This post will provide you with tips and tricks on effectively turning your cannabis trimmings into something you can use and earn from.

What is trim?

Before discussing what you can do with your cannabis plant “waste,” it is essential that you understand what a trim is. Trims or trimmings are the part of your cannabis plants removed during the bud trimming or manicure process. The trims are usually gathered and collected post-harvest, during the where you work to shape your buds into aesthetically pleasing nuggets.

There are parts of the plant that contain trichomes, and they should be set aside and utilized later on. This will include larger leaves, even those with lesser trichome content since they still contain terpenes and cannabinoids, which contribute to the flavor, aroma, and therapeutic value of the product that you will be making from them.

Aside from making buds look pleasing and pretty to the buyers, trimming cannabis can also reduce the amount of extra plant matter that should not be consumed. The extra parts are generally low in potency and can cause headaches and discomfort when smoked. Don’t worry since there are many other things that you can possibly do with your trims than just smoking them.

Types of cannabis trimmings

There are mainly two types of cannabis trimmings that you can identify: the sugar leaves and the fan leaves. The sugar leaves are typically small and one-fingered leaves near the bud; they are also covered in trichomes. Because of the trichomes, these leaves have an appearance that resembles that of being lightly covered by sugar. Sugar leaves have a decent amount of THC and CBD. On the other hand, the fan leaves are large and 5 to 7 fingered leaves, making them look like fans, hence the name, fan leaves. The THC and CBD content of fan leaves are at a minimum level, but they are still viable for use and still have good benefits.

11 things you can do with your trimmings

Here are some of the incredible ways that you can do to make use of your cannabis trims.

Making kief

You can effectively make kief out of your sugar leaves trimmings from your cannabis plants. Making kief is relatively simple, and if you are already using a bud trimming machine, you will be able to collect kief without any added effort. Others have kief kits that can help you too. If you are using your best trimmers, you will still be able to collect kief using silkscreen. You can do this by simply rubbing your trims on the silkscreen and collecting the kief that will fall through.

Making hash

Hash is truly more valuable than kief, making it requires more work and effort, especially if you want them to be of good quality. If you are making hash for your consumption, you can totally do it with a straightforward method. You will have to handle the trim and roll that off with your hands; we know this can be sticky, and the resin will possibly end up on your hands. If you plan to make hash to be sold, it would be best to produce them using a pollen press for better quality.

Rosin extraction from sugar leaves

Extracting rosin is the most popular and well-loved use of sugar leaves. If you are fortunate enough to have a rosin press around, you can easily extract your rosin. It is recommended that you turn your trims to keif or hash first before processing them to become rosin.

Cannabutter or oil

You will be able to make oil from your cannabis trims; to make this, you will need to combine your trim with some type of fat. It would be best if you did this since THC is fat-soluble; you will then start with finely grinding your trim and add them up to hot oil or melted butter of your choice. You may simmer your mixture for a couple of hours to ensure that enough cannabis oil is extracted. Afterward, you may run the mixture through a strainer to get rid of plant matter and debris.

Edibles from trim

You can indeed make edibles with your trim’s use, and a very common one is pot brownies. You can use the cannabutter for your brownie recipe, and you can even incorporate it into your favorites spreads like Nutella and the good old peanut butter.

Cannabis milk

If you are a fan of milk, you will surely enjoy cannabis milk. Making this is easy to do. You just need to heat any type of milk you like and add in your cannabis trims once it is starting to simmer. You may need to stir the mixture for 30 to 45 minutes until your milk has a slight greenish tint to it. Don’t forget to strain the trimmings afterward.


Although the fan leaves may not contain many trichomes, they are known to have nutrition still and are even considered a superfood. You can use the fan leaves and incorporate them with your other desired ingredients in your juices or smoothies. You can use the fresh trims; make sure that you wash them and start blending or juicing.

Making tea

You can also infuse your trims into a soothing and refreshing tea; just make sure that you are cleaning your trims before using them for your drinks or food.

Herb condiments for cooking

Indeed, cannabis plants are very versatile, and you can use them for almost anything. You can even dry up your cannabis trims and use them as herbs for cooking or as toppings on your favorite dishes and salads.

Making topicals

With the use of your cannabis trims, you will also be able to make creams, salves, and other skin topicals. You just have to gather your trims and grind them up very finely until it achieves a powder-like texture. You can then combine it with your favorite essential oils such as lavender, rose, or peppermint oils. You have to know that making topicals can take days, and you just have to patient enough so that you will be able to enjoy your cannabis topicals.


If you do not want to do any of the other things that we have discussed, or you just have too many trims to take care of, we still would not suggest for you just to throw it all away. We recommend that you use your trims as compost and help provide nutrition to your soil. You can then use your soil to grow more cannabis plants in the future.

Additional insights:

  1. Recent Developments in Cannabis Legalization: As of my last update in April 2023, more states and countries have been moving towards the legalization of cannabis, not only for medicinal but also for recreational use. This shift has led to an increase in the number of people cultivating cannabis and, consequently, an increase in cannabis trimmings. Adding recent statistics or examples of such developments could provide a contemporary context.
  2. Advancements in Trimming Technology: There have been significant advancements in the technology used for cannabis trimming. Automated trimming machines have become more sophisticated, offering greater precision and efficiency. These machines can also help in better kief collection. Mentioning these technological advancements could be beneficial for readers looking for efficient trimming methods.
  3. Innovations in Trimmings Utilization: The cannabis industry has seen innovative uses of trimmings in recent years. For example, some companies are extracting rare cannabinoids from trimmings, which are used in specialized medicinal products. There’s also a growing trend in the cosmetic industry where cannabis trimmings are used in skincare products due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Environmental Considerations: With the increasing focus on sustainability, there’s a growing interest in using cannabis trimmings in environmentally friendly ways. This includes not only composting but also using trimmings as a bio-material for creating biodegradable plastics or textiles. Adding a section on sustainable practices could be very relevant and appealing.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Aspects: It’s important to highlight the legal and regulatory aspects of using cannabis trimmings. Different states and countries have varying laws regarding the handling and processing of cannabis byproducts. Providing a disclaimer about checking local laws or suggesting resources for legal guidance would be prudent.
  6. Health and Safety Considerations: When discussing the processing of cannabis trimmings, it’s vital to touch upon health and safety. This includes proper handling to avoid contamination, understanding the potency of products made from trimmings, and being aware of the effects of THC and CBD, especially for new consumers.
  7. Economic Impact: The growing cannabis industry, including the utilization of trimmings, has a significant economic impact. This could include job creation in cultivation, processing, and product development sectors. Adding information about the economic benefits of cannabis trimming utilization could provide a broader perspective.

Final Thoughts

You can undoubtedly do tons of things with your cannabis plants, and even the trims and leaves will never go to waste. You just need to find the perfect way to use your trims and other plant material. We hope that this article has significantly helped you find an option on what to do with your cannabis trims.